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Turkey’s sugar and chocolate confectionery industry

The sugar and chocolate confectionery sector in Turkey is historically based on the production of traditional Turkish confectionery products such as Turkish delight and halva. The Turkish confectionery sector has always been dynamic thanks to Turkey's young and growing population, and traditional habits of consumption....

A shining gift from nature…

Diamante Food is a leading supplier and exporter of various food products such as olives, olive oil, sunflower oil, sun-dried tomatoes, dried fruits and hazelnut. Located in Izmir, Turkey, Diamante Food is a leading supplier and exporter of various food products such as olives, olive...

Saray Biscuits Expands Targets in Abroad

 Preparing for the Gulfood 2017 in Dubai to show its newest products to both consumers and businesses, Saray Biscuits extends its coverage in abroad. The brand aims to reach customers in England, Germany, Bosnia, Rumania, Jordan and Azerbaijan in five years. Saray biscuits, a respectful...

Red Meat Production Declines in The 4th Quarter

  According to TURKSTAT, the official statistical institute of Turkey, total red meat production was estimated as 271 thousand tones in the 4th quarter. Red meat production decreased by 31.4% according to the previous quarter that Eid al-Adha festival was realized, it decreased by 8.8%...

Turkey’s Food and Agriculture İndustry

Home to the headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, Turkey’s agricultural sector today is echoing the prosperity of ancient Mesopotamia. With its favorable geographical conditions and climate, large arable lands, and abundant water supplies, Turkey is considered to be one of the leading countries...

Aroma Develops Even More 100% Naturally

AROMA Bursa Meyve Suları ve Gıda Sanayi A.S. was established over a 75.000 m² area in Gürsu Dsitrict of Bursa on the year of 1968. At the company being established as an aggregate corporation, Duruk Group acceded the management by purchasing the majority interest on...

Poultry İndustry is on an Upswing

With 1.6 million units hen egg production increased by 4% in December compared with the previous month, and increased by 12.3% compared with the same month of the previous year according to latest TURKSTAT data. Whereas number of the slaughtered chicken increased by 9.6% in...

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