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Aktaslar targets to enter markets abroad

A group in the bakery industry, Aktaslar prepares for Anuga Fair to introduce pita that represents Turkish culture to world markets. Known as a famous taste in Blacksea region, Aktaslar Pide, headquartered in Ordu province, opens first branch in Bagdat avenue, Istanbul, as Nelipide adds...

A Story that Lasts 101 Years

Poultry legend Keskinoğlu keeps making history thanks to second and third generations 1900-The first year of the 20th century saw the birth of İsmail Keskinoğlu. He was born as the first son of Fevzi Bey and Hatice Hanım, who were living then in a village...

Quality by name crunchy in taste…

Besler Nuts, operating in Dried Nuts and Fruits Industry in Turkey, has become one of the most important companies of Gaziantep within a short amount of time with its quality, mission and vision.  With its successful business and uncompromising quality approach since its establishment, Besler...

Aroma at Anuga

AROMA Bursa Meyve Suları ve Gıda Sanayi A.Ş. was established over a 75.000 m² area in Gürsu Dsitrict of Bursa on the year of 1968. At the company being established as an aggregate corporation, Duruk Group acceded the management by purchasing the majority interest on...

Çaykur at Anuga

Caykur is the largest processor of tea in Turkey and its corporate memory is as old as tea itself in this country. Tea was first grown here 90 years ago. Now Turkey ranks number 1 in per capital tea consumption globally. Caykur has 50 factories...

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