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The ideal picture of a German-Turkish business relationship

Coding and Marking specialist Leibinger congratulates distributor Teknosin on new office and sales successes. Tuttlingen – For almost 20 years, Teknosin has been selling industrial CIJ printers from the German company Leibinger throughout Turkey – and with great success. Teknosin recently moved into new premises...

HALAL HANNOVER to trigger halal market

New trade show responds to growing importance of halal products, 6-8 March 2020 Hannover – Consumer demand for halal products is on the rise worldwide, and Germany is no exception. Manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers are coming to regard the market for halal products as an...

Paradise Fruits to showcase New Eastern range at FIE

Paradise Fruits by Jahncke, the natural ingredients supplier behind four of Europe’s most innovative fruit and vegetable processing businesses, will launch a new range of Eastern- inspired products at Food Ingredients Europe (FIE) 2019. ‘Taste of the East’ by Paradise Fruits Solutions takes its inspiration...

Egypt’s mango exports rise up to 15211 tons

Egypt’s mango exports have risen to 15211 tons, according to press release of EDA (Export Development Authority) that is arranged in regard to an official statement issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. The Central Department of Agricultural Quarantine's report on the movement of Egyptian agricultural...

Ak Gıda wins “Altın Örümcek Web Awards”

Turkey's leading dairy products company and the owner of İçim brand, renewed its website and was awarded "Best Web Site" in "Food & Beverage" category at Altın Örümcek web awards which is held for the 17th time this year. Altın Örümcek Web Awards, where successful...

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