First producer in Turkey it made with domestically produced yeast, Elvan group, a company in food business, increased its export value per kilogram up to 3 dollars. The company has now a project topublish a comprehensive book on...
Guests were entertained between May 14-16 at ANUFOOD Eurasia by innovation Pioneer Anavarza Bal (Anavarza Honey). Anavarza Bal came together with participants for sharing new developments and promoting the Anavarza Bal Honey Powder. ANUFOOD Eurasia was held at...
Producing chicken meat, eggs, pullet and breeding products, olive oil products, medical and organic products, KESKINOGLU is one of the leading names in the Turkish food industry. It has over a century history full of respectful success stories....
One of the rare sweets from Turkey candied chestnut has become a new item in exports. Deniz Utku Ozdemir, trade manager of Ilka sekerleme introduced their plans to promote the taste in abroad. On the company and Cardelion...
Krater Company, which was founded in 1987, started to shape the future of the Turkish pastry together with professionals as a leading company in the sector of pastry products and always continues this with the trends it...
Offering vegetable oil, ketchup, mayonnaise, bouillon, soup, readymade desserts, sweetened vanilla, baking powder, whipped cream, pudding, cocoa, etc, the company will be at SIAL 2014 to finalize this year’s show program. Established in Gaziantep in 2002 Zer Yag...
Awarded by many respectful international organizations, the company was also awarded by Turkish Republic with State Superior Service Medal for its contribution to the Turkish economy and activities in European food markets Established in 1986 by five brothers,...
As a respectful brand in the food industry Aslan Çikolata made a fast start to 2015 with 3 new products. The company is determined to widen its product portfolio. Aslan Çikolata (Aslan Chocolate) has offered new products developed...
On the way to be a rule setter in olive exports from Turkey, AD Tarim has an olive stocking and processing capacity of ten thousand tons Gemlik is the symbol of olive in Turkey. One of the most...
As one of the leaders of the poultry sector with innovative services in Turkey, Hastavuk has been rendering best quality services in Turkey and around the world. Mr. Sahin Aydemir, general manager of the company outlined their operations:...