Oil essences are now sold in pharmacies and herbalists as well. Zade Vital, the first brand in food supports in Turkey met with pharmacists in Bursa in a seminar held jointly by Bursa Chamber of Pharmacists in Bursa to promote food supports for healthy lives.
The seminar was administered by Prof. Dr. Ercument Karasulu, head of center for drug development and farmo-kinetic research and applications, Aegean University. He said that traditional walnut oil, fish oil and other products can be used by everybody with peace of mind.
Karasulu detailed about oils that can be used as food support and can be sold in pharmacies as well as in herbalists. He said, “There are many kinds of oily products. One group of them include essential oil acids of cumin, pumpkin seed oil, safflower oil, grape seed oil. 191 different oil essences are classified in 35 groups. All products are offered after they were tested for pesticides, heavy metals and other hazardous contents.”
K. Talha Buyukhelvacigil, key account manager for Zade Vital, said, “In addition to traditional oil essence including pomegranate and flawseed oils we have also fish oil. We aimed to be an exporter of drugs and oil essence, not an importer of them. Herbalists sell products at unbelievable prices. They sell walnut oil at 3 to 5 TL, while walnut itself is sold at 40 TL. There is something missing. If they are genuine their prices should be higher radically. Our tests show that they are made of cheap oils such as sunflower and canola oils. Our prices for genuine oil essences range from 9 to 99 TL.”