ZAAG, one unit can produce several hundred different food products ranging from salad ingredients to food staples such as tomatoes, cucumbers, root crops and strawberries, just to name a few. The consumer choice features along with product sizing optimization means a single unit can produce the equivalency of an urban backyard garden with automated climate, nutrients, lighting, and minimal water use allowing for year round food production while consuming the energy equivalent of only two 60 watt light bulbs.
The second product—Growtainer—has been optimized to address the rapidly growing commercial food production industry geared towards the rapidly growing “locally produced and sustainable” food market. Specially engineered hydroponic modules are designed to maintain optimal internal growing conditions both in extreme cold or hot climate locations. With 510 vertical food production towers, along with self-contained nursery and product packaging space and equipment, the design outpaces competitors using the same building footprint. Each module can generate annual revenues in excess of $500,000 per unit and the attractive pricing structure allows for capital cost recovery within the first year of operation. Installation and startup is quick and simple. Modules are shipped pre-assembled and crane-dropped from transport trucks onto 50 foot by 10 foot foundation pads capable of supporting the small 8 ton load. The attractive purchase price also includes staff training by the company’s master grower team along with remote monitoring consultation using camera and in-house proprietary software technology.
John Morgan, CEO of ZA Group, made the following comments: “The E-Roots management team has many years of combined practical experience with their grow systems and their hands-on practise has birthed new and innovative ideas which they have test marketed and further refined. We look forward to unveiling additional new innovative module designs currently being designed by the team. The sharp demand for their products is fuelled by daily news reports of a looming world-wide food famine. “